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Theater - 1991-1992


  • October 9–12, 1991

  • Oedipus Rex
  • A play by Sophocles
  • Translated by Robert Fagles
  • Production Staff
  • Director: Dwight Watson
  • Assistant Director: C. Patrick Tyndall '92
  • Scenic Designer: Walter F. Wojciechowski
  • Costume Designer: Laura Conners
  • Stage Manager: Dennis Vetrovec '91
  • Asst. Stage Manager: Patrick Beidelman '94
  • Cast List
  • Oedipus: Steven Vierk '92
  • Priest: Michael T. Dotson '95
  • Creon: Phil Hoagland '93
  • Chorus Leader: Jason Schwarzkopf '94
  • Chorus Members: Paul Baylor '94, Patrick Beidelman '94, Michael R. Erne '94, Stan Tretter '94
  • Tiresias: Emilio G. Robles '94
  • Jocasta: Pam Ehrie
  • Messenger from Corinth: C. Patrick Tyndall '92
  • Shepherd: Michael J. McGuire '93
  • Messenger from Palace/Guard: Christopher Doerr '94
  • Guard: Steve Martin '95
  • Antigone: Jessica Rosenberg
  • Ismene: Anna Chase
  • Production Assistance
  • Master Electrician: Phil Hoagland '93
  • Lightboard Operator: Mike Watkins '92
  • Soundboard Operators: Curt Sobolewski, Matt Sobolewski '92
  • Graphics: Jason Hand '94
  • Oedipus the King is perhaps the greatest of all extant Greek tragedies. Written by Sophocles sometime between 430 and 425 B.C., the play was regarded by Aristotle as the ideal tragedy.
  • This page is part of an ongoing project to document the history of the theatre productions performed at Wabash College.  If you have information not included on this page, please contact the Theater Department or Professor Dwight Watson (



November 20–23, 1991

Accidental Death of an Anarchist

  • A play by Dario Fo
  • Adapted by Gavin Richards
  • From a translation by Gillian Hanna


  • Production Staff
  • Director: James Fisher


  • Cast List
  • Inspector Bertozz Emilio G. Robles '94
  • Policemen: Christopher Doerr '94
  • The Maniac: Patrick Bidelman '94
  • Captain Pissani: Steven Vierk '92
  • Superintendent Bellati: John A. King
  • Mario Feletti: Clinton Agee Jr.
  • Dennis: Dennis J. Vetrovec '91


  • This hilarious satire on police corruption in Italy catapulted playwright/actor Dario Fo to international recognition. An exhibition, “A History of Clowning from Commedia dell ‘arte to the Present” organized by Professor James Fisher, was held in the Humanities Center Gallery in tandem with this production.
This page is part of an ongoing project to document the history of the theatre productions performed at Wabash College.  If you have information not included on this page, please contact the Theater Department or Professor Dwight Watson (


  April 22–25 and May 15–16, 1992

Greater Tuna

  • A play by Jason Williams, Joe Sears, and Ed Howard
  • Production Staff
  • Director: Dwight Watson
  • Assistant Director: Emilio G. Robles '94
  • Scene and Light Designer: Walter F. Wojciechowski
  • Costume Designer: Laura Conners
  • Stage Manager: Steven A. Vierk '92
  • Production Assistant: Michael R. Erne '94
  • Cast List
  • Arles Struvie: Chris Miller '92
  • Thurston Wheelis: Jason Strasser '95
  • Ronnie: Drew Miller '95
  • Didi Snavely: Drew Miller '95
  • Harold Dean Lattimer: Christopher Doerr '94
  • Elmer Watkins: Christopher Doerr '94
  • Petey Fisk: Drew Miller '95
  • Bertha Bumiller: Patrick Beidelman '94
  • Jody Bumiller: John King '93
  • Stanley Bumiller: John King '93
  • Charlene Bumiller: John King '93
  • Chad Hartford: John King '93
  • Yippy: Patrick Beidelman '94
  • Leonard Childers: Patrick Beidelman '94
  • Phinas Blye: C. Patrick Tyndall '92
  • Pearl Burras: C. Patrick Tyndall '92
  • Vera Carp: Chris Miller '92
  • R. R. Snavely: C. Patrick Tyndall '92
  • Rev. Spikes: Jason Strasser '95
  • Coach Chassie: Patrick Beidelman '94
  • Sheriff Givens: Drew Miller '95
  • Hank Bumiller: Christopher Doerr '94
  • Production Assistance
  • Lightboard Operator: Chad Bishop '93
  • Graphics: Jason Hand '94
  • What do Arles Struvie, Thurston Wheelis, Petey Fisk, Phineas Blye, R.R. Snavely and Rev. Spikes all have in common? They are some of the fine, upstanding citizens of Tuna, Texas (“3rd smallest town”) in this hilarious send-up of small town mores.

This page is part of an ongoing project to document the history of the theatre productions performed at Wabash College.  If you have information not included on this page, please contact the Theater Department or Professor Dwight Watson (


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