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Indiana Governor's Fellowship

State of Indiana


The Governor’s Fellowship provides a unique experience in Indiana State Government. The program is highly selective, recruiting talented young men and women from across the state who have been out of college for less than a year and who will serve in various State agencies on a rotating basis over the course of a year. Fellows, who are full-time and paid, participate in the daily activities of State Government, complete special projects, and experience firsthand how policies are made.

Governor’s Fellows work in a variety of settings. Many of those who have participated as Governor’s Fellows over the past two decades have gone on to successful careers in both the public and private sector- some serving at the highest levels of local, State, and federal government. They have taken from their fellowship a solid understanding of the workings of government and have gained experience in a variety of areas. At the same time, fellows have been able to give back to the state through their year of public service.

Deadline Information

Mid-Late January


The Governor’s steering committee conducts an initial review of the applications; the most qualified candidates are then selected to interview with the committee at the State House in Indianapolis. Applicants should know if they have been selected for an interview no later than February 14,. After the interviews, the committee forwards its recommendations to the Governor based on leadership skills, academic record, qualifications, references, quality of essay and overall interest in State government. The Governor then makes the final selection of Governor’s Fellows. Recipients of the Fellowship will be notified as soon as possible following the Governor’s decision.

Compensation: $43,000
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Eligible Students:
Academic Areas:
Areas Of Interest:


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