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Moot Court 2003 Photo Album

a few men shaking hands


Johnny Warren ’03 and Chief Justice David F. Hamilton, United States District Court for Sourthern Indiana

a group of people standing in a court


From left to right: Hon. James R. Williams ’88 Union Circuit Court, R. Scott Medsker ’03, Philip Goldstein ’03, Johnny Warren ’03, Chief Justice David F. Hamilton, United States District Court for Southern Indiana, Chris Miltenberger ’03, Hon. Nancy H. Vaidik, Indiana Court of Appeals, Prof. David Phillips, Professor of Chemistry, Wabash College

a group of men in suits


Finalists: (left to right) R. Scott Medsker ’03, Chris Miltenberger ’03, Philip Goldstein ’03, and Johnny Warren ’03

a couple of men in suits


R. Scott Medsker ’03 and Attorney Scott Himsel ‘85

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