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Title: Music, Language of the Gods
Course Section Number: FRT-101-02
Department: Freshman Tutorial
Description: In the ancient world, music was thought to be a divine language, the breath of the gods. This language was accessible through instruments played in obedience to the mathematical laws that govern the cosmos as whole. Music was less our creation than a part of nature itself, awaiting our discovery. Though our Spotify playlists lack this rich enchantment, we generally recognize the unique and perhaps transcendent affect music has upon us. If music is more than vibrations, what is that 'more'? In this course we will study music from a variety of disciplinary perspectives: psychology, philosophy, history, economy, and biography. What happens to our brains when we listen to music? How does music shape and give substance to our memories? How is music currently made and monetized? Did the invention of headphones give music new capabilities to shape our self-conceptions? How might we listen to music differently?
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: August 21, 2024
End Date: December 14, 2024
Meeting Information:
08/27/2024-12/12/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 09:45AM - 11:00AM, Detchon, Room 112
Faculty: Campbell, Warren

Course Status

Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
Music, Language of the Gods
OPEN Freshman Tutorial 16 15 / 1 / 0
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