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Applying for an F-1 Visa Stamp

After paying the $350 SEVIS fee, you can apply for an F-1 visa stamp at the U.S. embassy or consulate closest to your home.  (You will need to have a passport before you apply, since the visa stamp will be attached to a page in your passport.)

Begin by reviewing the F-1 visa application instructions for the U.S. embassy or consulate in your area.  You can locate that embassy/consulate by doing an internet search for “US consulate” and “[name of the city where you’re applying].”  For instance, if you live in Bangladesh, search for “US consulate Dhaka.” 

The website that you need should come to the top of the search.  Remember, legitimate U.S. government websites should always end in “.gov.”  Next, look for a link to “Nonimmigrant Visas,” “Student Visas,” or “F-1 Visas.”

Please read the F-1 visa instructions very carefully!  The officers at the U.S. embassies and consulates can be very particular, and they want you to follow directions exactly.  Be sure to answer all the questions on the online application form, and follow the instructions regarding the required photo/s.

For more essential tips and advice, see Visa Interview Tips and Preparations

What a typical U.S. visa may look like 

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